What is a Yagya?
Yagya is a combination of one or more particular Vedic Rituals those are performed as remedy for a problem or desire (such as health, illnesses, protection, wealth, income, business, job, love, marriage, family, property, social issues, litigations, bad karma, curses, black magic, spiritual power, knowledge, enlightenment) or for one or more planets.
What is the difference between Puja and Yagya?
Puja and Yagya are fundamentally same stuffs however Puja is a few hours affair while a Yagya is a very big ceremony and multiple days affair, exclusive for remedy which combines many pujas at greater levels. The quantity of mantras in a Yagya are much higher. In a Yagya Ved Bhawan tries to do different Yagyas to cover the same purpose to ensure results/success.
Why there are 4 categories?
The Yagyas are categorized to keep effective and affordable at a time. If you have some small problems you don't need to spend a fortune for that, while when you have some serious problem you should also be able to address the problem sufficiently, timely and successfully. So you choose an appropriate category. Selecting a small category for big problems or purposes are moreover not recommended and doesn't help sufficiently. For example Cat C Yagyas ($350) are only meant for small and future non-serious problems. Cat B Yagyas ($650) help in small non-serious problems and desires. Cat A Yagyas ($1171) for serious problems and desires. High Capacity Yagyas™ ($3450 onwards) are however for big, complex and severe problems and desires and are also meant for high profile people, group pf poeple and for immediate help.
Is one Yagya sufficient to achieve goal?
Any Yagya which helps in a problem or in a purpose is not strong enough to solve the purpose solely and entirely. Therefore you need to combine at least 3 rituals for the same purpose so that sufficient results are generated. Therefore every VY Yagyas are a package if 3 Yagyas together under one code. If a Yagya is meant for a family or group of people, then please select High Capacity Yagyas™ as only these can cover multiple individuals in a single Yagya. HC Yagyas cover up to 56 Yagyas/rituals in one package.
Why can't I do Standard Yagya for same purpose instead of a Recommended High Capacity Yagya by your Advisor?
Our advisors recommend Yagyas having the theories of remedy and experiences in their mind. At the same time they see which Yagya will work in your situation. If you make your problems smaller to get a smaller Yagya, you will also get surprised when you don't see the result or success. So having an appropriate or sufficient remedy is crucial. Standard Yagyas have just 3 rituals to address your problems. Moreover, they start working after 61 days. They won't be capable to address a severe and complex issue/desire. They will not work if more than 1 individual is involved. They also will not help if you have chronic or long time problems. In all these cases you will be recommended a High Capacity Yagyas as only those will work in your situation. For example to find a (any kind of) partner for marriage is Standard Yagya (VY, $1171) is good but for finding a high profile partner you do need a High Capacity Yagya™ (HC, $3450 onwards. High Capacity Yagya™ is a trademark of Ved Bhawan Inc). In another example, a small greengrocer or a clerk can do Standard Yagya for an ambitious income such as $100,000 but he will not see 1 Million by this Yagya. But when a businessman does a High Capacity Yagya™ for ambitious income and can also gain 10Million Dollars if her deserves and works for it.
Do I need to be present in Yagya?
As Yagyas are performed in your name and your birth details are used, you have a unique cosmic identity. Hence, the result goes uniquely to you and not to someone else. Your presence is therefore not required however you are welcome to visit if desired. Your physical participation is moreover close to impossible as then you will need to stay there till end every day 7 hours following hard Yagya rules.
Do you do Black Magic in Yagya?
No. We don't do any black magic in our Yagyas as those are not positive and authentic. However, if you are under influence of black magic, of if you have any threat, there are some Yagyas and High Capacity Yagyas™ we do to protect you or help you recover.
Why the Yagyas are expensive?
Yagyas are not expensive at all if you consider the wages the Pandits are paid in India. They are paid $15-$20 per day when they work 7 hours for you every day. For this work, you would pay in the US $350 a day and in Europe Eur 420 a day. So in these comparisons in India, you pay a fraction of the reasonable wage to the Pandits in the US or Europe. It is actually the number of days and the number of Pandits involved in a Yagya that makes it expensive. For example, if you let 15 Pandits work for 15 days then you pay total 225 days for Pandits plus the Yagya materials and daily rent of the Yagya Center. It all together makes $3450 for a High Capacity Yagya. You should compare the Yagya with the cost of a wedding celebration or holiday expenses but not with the price of eating out or buying clothes.
I can't afford Yagya
Yagyas are done as per your requirements and not as per your budget or your desire to spend. So rich people can also get small Yagyas and the middle class can also get big and expensive Yagyas recommended based on the severity and gravity of the problems or desires. However, Ved Bhawan tries to facilitate everyone with Yagya who seeks help. Therefore we offers you the possibility to pay the Yagya costs in up to 4 monthly installments upon approval.
Can I cancel or Stop a Yagya?
In the interest of you and our Pandits we will never stop your Yagya even if you want because that brings damage to Pandits and clients both. A Yagya can also not be canceled, but you do have the possibility to change your Yagya up to 28 hours in advance without any additional charges. Any such urgent request must be made on our 24x7 live chat and not by email or on the telephone.
Can I do Yagya for someone else?
As we do only Yagyas for positive purposes, you can do Yagya for anyone even without telling him. Even you can gift a Yagya to your friends and family for example on their birthdays, anniversaries, birth and death.
Do I need to follow Yagya rules?
First, we have soft rules for clients as we follow the hard rules. Moreover, it is not compulsory but adds little extra benefit if you follow rules.
Where the Yagya will be performed ?
Your Yagya is by default performed at our 44 Yagya Centers in India. The Yagya Co-ordinators decide where we have sufficient and more experienced Pandits free for your Yagya. After starting of Yagya you can inquire about it. However being a multinational organization, we can perform these Yagyas even at your place from Japan to the US if you are able to wear significantly higher costs.
Why some people are cheaper than you?
As you yourself say, they are people and not organization which really exists, which is legally founded and which has men and structure. If someone offers these Yagyas for cheaper prices, there is a guarantee that you will get less, amateur and partial service, definitely not professionally. Ved Bhawan is the first organization to introduce Yagya in 1997 and to introduce a Yagya website (
www.vedic-yagya.com) in 2003 whom several people have been copying since then. We are even now the first and only organization that does Yagyas for and in the whole world, legally, professionally and structurally.